Travelling addicts musings

Travelling addicts musings

Monday 15 June 2015

Kochi / Cochin- Queen of the Arabian Sea (Part 2)

So, landed at Fort Kochi via ferry service from Vypeen Island.

This is the most fascinating area in Kochi. I read and found that this area became the first European township in India. The area is beautiful, aesthetic, seeped in history , architecturally spellbinding, lined with beautiful shopping arcades not to forget the sun setting into the Arabian Sea in backdrop of Chinese fishing nets .

We first stopped at the St. Francis Church. This is believed to be the oldest European built church in India. Another claim to fame is that it was once the burial site of explorer Vasco de Gama who died in Kochi in 1524. Later his remains were moved to Lisbon , Portugal. This church was built in 1503.

Vendor selling his ware outside the church area

Next stop turn out to be Fort Kochi beach.

We also visited the Dutch Cemetery, which lies opposite to the beach.
Remembering Vasco Da Gama

Moving towards Fort Cochin beach

Fort Kochi beach

Moving towards Dutch cemetery

Dutch cemetery

Back at fort Kochi beach

Left to myself, I would have loved to explore Fort Kochi on foot. What a beautiful walk it would be.
Everywhere around I was tempted to click way...just check some of the shots here...

Very beautiful Old Harbour Hotel
I moved through the Children's Park which overlooks the Chinese fishing nets on the Arabian Sea and spotted the Princess Street.

Princess Street
Princess Street was perhaps the earliest to be built in Fort Kochi area and is line with cafes, handicraft and bric-a-brac. The architecture will surely hold you captivated. This must be the most popular strip with tourists and travelers.

This is a popular hangout, best view of the street can be observed from here

This is a beautiful street to ramble about in,but we were hard pressed for time and  had to move on. It was beginning to get dark. We headed towards Jew Town.

I read that Jew town is the centre of spice trade in Kochi .Again Jew street is lined with shops selling bric-a-brac. I found the prices quoted wee bit high. So if you do like something do bargain.Most of the shopkeepers are Kashmiri .Inside Jew town is the Cochin synagogue built in 1568.

Shopkeeper claims small stitch cross stitch but was very expensive

Synagogue- Jewish equivalent of church

Clock is accurate

Most of the churches, palaces and the synagogue will close by around 5 PM. I went past the Dutch Palace which of was closed. Was around 7 PM. Dark.

Could capture the Dutch Palace from outside
This was built by the Portuguese and presented to Raja of Kochi in 1555 and then renovated by the Dutch in 1663.

Headed back to the hotel and saw the Cochin  harbor on the way, which was shining like multi hued diamonds. Did not do much photography as I did not have my tripod with me and with slow shutter speed would have got a camera shake.. but let me put a picture from the internet to give you an idea..

Kochi harbour at night
 We had fish curry and rice for dinner at out hotel. The ocean was wrecking havoc and lashing furiously against the shore. Could hear the ocean during the night but soon went into deep..deep sleep.

In the morning captured some pictures of Cherai beach, had breakfast and left for Alleppey.

My hotel at night

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