Travelling addicts musings

Travelling addicts musings

Thursday 21 January 2016

Bannerghatta National Park ( Part 2 ) - Butterfly park : Abode of the flying jewels

As I already stated the safari bus drops you right outside the Butterfly park . So, this is the next logical stop at the park. We had already booked the tickets online, but the tickets at Rs 30 are available at the entry to the park.

Do not miss this !! Most interesting and most educative...

The butterfly park is spread over an area of 7.5 acres and houses about 50 species of butterflies.

So what all does the park contain ? As per the official website :

The Park at Bannerghatta has the following major components:
  • A Butterfly garden to sustain local butterfly population
  • A butterfly conservatory enclosed under poly carbonate roof
  • Research and captive breeding laboratory
  • A museum
  • A Curio shop
What is the purpose of this park ? As per official website :

The Park was conceptualized as one integrated center that would support education, conservation and research activities with exclusive focus on butterflies as flagship ambassadors of conservation

This is where the safari bus will drop you

I look really stoked to visit the park!!!!!

Winged jewel- apt description for butterflies

For people who cant walk till the dome- battery operated cart

Walking towards the Dome- approaching the curio shop

Let take a look at what all the curio shop contains :

As souvenir , I bought a stuffed toy- a Hamster and a mug which says Bannerghatta National Park
The total cost was about Rs 500. The toy is made by a company called Wild republic. They are manufactured in China.I love collecting mugs and fridge magnets from places of visit. They did not have magnets so I got the mug. I would love to have a Hamster as a pet one day..till then the stuffed one suffices !!!

Beautiful entry point to the dome - the conservatory

My husband poses outside the beautiful dome

Thats me!!

Look at the beautiful conservatory

Beautifully landscaped garden inside the dome

All time favorite - Bird of paradise plant

Here is our guide- was very helpful in explaining things and took us around !!

Look at the beautiful bridge

Species are named on boards- very educative for reference

Thats our guide- making a point

These are nectar laced artificial plants

Plants produce nectar to attract pollinators- here is the artificial one

Another shot of artificial pollinator

Our guide takes us around- over the bridge et all!!

Fish in the pond

These are butterfly eggs

Small caterpillar

Close up of the butterfly

Inside the butterfly  museum

Dead butterly- some have a lifespan of week to 10 days!!

Mating butterflies

Butterfly  feeding on the artificial nector

Research and development centre

Golden larva


More larvae

Our guide explains all!!

Life cycle explained inside the museum

painting done by the workers here!!

Name for a butterfly in different languages

Inside museum- India's largest butterlies


Educational centre inside museum runs documentary to educate about butterflies

The dome is sooo beautiful emanating diffused lighting

I am just so happy- dont want to leave 

I guess these are Poinsettias ??

Another shot of the artificial pollinator 

Common fig
This dome is a specially recreated natural habitat for butterflies. Artistically landscaped garden comprising a beautiful waterfall , ponds, bridges, exotic plants , fruit tree with butterflies  flying around makes a charming site for the eyes. I did not feel like leaving...

 All the shots are taken using 18-55 mm. I forgot my 55-220 lens at home. I would have loved to make use of that here to try some close up shots. Maybe the next time around!!

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