Travelling addicts musings

Travelling addicts musings

Thursday 6 October 2016

Mysore Zoo - Pictorial journey

First thing which strikes you about the Zoo is how aesthetically and well maintained it is.
Apart from a wonderful collection of birds and animals, they are very well taken care of and hygienically maintained. There are educative boards all around.

I had heard so much about this Zoo..well it is all that and more. It just takes your breath away.
It is an amalgamation of a zoo and beautifully laid out gardens. Absolute must visit when in Mysore.

All the information about the zoo at this website :

Mysore Zoo

You can even buy the tickets online

Entrance to the Zoo

Ticket counter

Beautiful Zoo office

Tribute to the father of the nation,Mahatma Gandhi as it was October 2

So nice..

Benches blend in nicely

Very well marked 

Hornbill comes to say Hi... 

Status here refers to weather endangered or not

Very educative boards all around

for people who cant or dont want to walk..

I just need any excuse to walk

Enchanting pathway...

Cute finches in their nests..i had them as pets once upon a time!!

How pretty is the surrounding..


Do inquire about adopting animals if interested

Numbers for those interested ! (spread of 79 acres !!)

Statistics for all animals is at display

There was a photography exhibition on-photography was not allowed!

Names of trees was on display-very educative

Go figure !!!

Thats a must !!

Dont ever forget where you evolved from!!

Aint that cute?

Leaf litter explained


Look at the way things are explained pictorially

One of the mission and vision of this zoo

Thats where we evolved from


Even the transportation gels with the environment

Zebra- my first ever sighting

Couldnt resist capturing this

Playful zebras

Mowgli...straight from..Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book

Another educative board

Thats sandalwood

This Elephant came and took a full round much to the delight of eager onlookers

Look at that beautiful muscular Gaur

Old is Gold

Add caption

Interesting map


Lunch time for the deer 

Can you see where the snake is?

Another snake

Anacond..anyone ??

Alligators and Crocodiles were all dozed off

Am asleep- Do not disturb !

Entering an aviary..iron chain curtains to keep the birds in !

Beautiful Aviary

Check the dome shape of the aviary

Black swan 

My first sighting of a Giraffe..

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