Travelling addicts musings

Travelling addicts musings

Thursday 28 June 2018

Tharangambadi, formerly Tranquebar - First Danish trading post in India (Part - 4)

In the concluding part, lets explore the main street called Kings Street which is lined by important historical landmarks.

Kings street- most important street here

 At the start, you come across the Zion Church.
This was consecrated in 1701 and is the oldest Protestant Church in India.

Zion Church

Zion Church

Ziegenbalg was a German Theologist missionary and scholar, who came to India  for  Missionary work.

He was  involved in bringing social changes in contemporary TamilNadu. His service to Tamil Literature was very significant . Later on
Missionaries like cordes (1840) and Hardman (1912) developed this Institute according to the needs of the locality. Rev. Pamperrein brought new changes and new techniques in the teaching method which were appreciated by the education department. This institute was recognized by the Madras Government in 1916.

This information resides on their official website.

Inside the teacher training institute

Inaugural stone

Ziegenbalg spiritual centre
 This structure is actually Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg’s house now housing Ziegenbalg Spiritual Centre. The Ziegenbalg Spiritual Centre is Adult Christian Education Centre of the Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church

Next up is the New Jerusalem Church which was constructed in the year 1718.
This was established by Ziegenbalg for Lutheran congregations as the already existing Zion church was not ready to accept native worshipers. The Tamil converts also did not want to worship in the European Zion church as they looked down on their lifestyle and moral norms.

The services are conducted on Sundays.

The church records of the New Jerusalem Church, Tranquebar from 1707 to 1888 are preserved at the Danish National Archives  in Copenhagen. The records are initially in German, then in English during the British period

New Jerusalem Church

The church carries the royal monogram of Frederick IV of Denmark, with the year of consecration 1718 written below the monogram.

 I also heard that the 2004 Tsunami destroyed a major part of it and had to be reconstructed
Cemetery inside the New Jerusalem Church where Ziegenbalg lies buried

I have taken these pictures inside the Church.

So.. from Danish Forts to British Bungalows to German missionaries to Portuguese trading to Christian Church to Lutheran preaching..this place has it all.

This place would grip a history buff .

Would equally enamor a person seeking a holiday in solitude as this surely qualifies as treading on the road less traveled.

You could walk , try creative photography , curl up with a book or just observe it all mesmerized.............

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