Travelling addicts musings

Travelling addicts musings

Saturday 31 October 2015

Hampi - The forgotten Empire ~ 4

Queen's Bath :
This is a large square structure with a plain exterior and an ornate interior.

It has a bath 15m square and 1.8 m deep. It is called Queen's bath due to its proximity to the royal enclosure. Current belief is that Achyata Raya  (1529-42) who was fond of water sports might have built this.

Ornate interiors of queens bath-mesmerizing!!!!!

Beautiful Queens bath

Talarigattu  Gate

Water storage - no dearth of it in this region

Lying to the S. west of  Vitthala Temple is the Kings's Balance. 

This is a massive scale It is believed that Vijayanagra Kings were weighed against precious gems and gold on auspicious occasions and of course the proceeds were distributed among Brahmins/ subjects?

Kings' balance made of granite

I see the mighty Tunghabhadra river in the backdrop

beautiful bridge across Tunghabhadra river

Catching my breath and taking a sip of water near the shore

Lone coracle - boat woven like a basket on the bank

Now for our final destination of the day- Vitthala temple

This is the most beautiful structure in the entire city,
It was dedicated to Vishnu in the form of Vitthala. He is regarded as the form of Krishna.

A major part of the complex was built under the patronage of Krishna Deva Raya (1509-29)
The temple remained in active service till the fall of Vijayanagra Empire in 1565.

Entering the Vitthala Temple

The famous pillars which produce music- can you beat this??

The famous Stone car at Vitthala Temple
The stone chariot is a remarkable structure. The chariot with the image of Garuda within it replaces the Garuda Shrine normally seen in Vaishnava temple.

All the intricate details found in a wooden ratha are simulated in this stone chariot.

Ruined bridge...this is all that remains? Must have seen glorious days

Sugar cane and paddy fields abound in this region

The road beckons back. My journey of exploring Hampi had come to an end. But I feel I still had more to explore. Mind was tired but the heart yearned for more.

I made a mental note of coming back and exploring this all over again!
Hope this happens soon...

Acknowledgemts :

ASI  - Hampi
A.H Longhurst- Hampi Ruins

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos, amazing travelogue, bring in more. Thanks for sharing these details.
