Travelling addicts musings

Travelling addicts musings

Monday 9 November 2015

Srinagar - Jammu & Kashmir - Paradise on earth

This blog is actually written in rumination mode- look back and think. Watching the movie "Haider"
brought memories of my Kashmir visit flooding back. I was really nostalgic. This movie which has by now become the most watched (back to back) movies of my life , showcases Kashmir during the dark period (1995) . In my opinion this movie has brought out the concept of circumstantial victimization and blurred the line between the protagonist and antagonist.

I visited the state during June of 2010, though the situation had far improved and peace prevailed but  the palling gloom permeated the atmosphere. It was a 3 day trip . It was not a planned trip and totally impromptu- We had not researched places to visit etc which I generally do before undertaking any journey. Just threw some clothes and the toothbrush into the dickey of my car and off we went... with my constant travelling companions- my husband and my mother.We had driven from Chandigarh to J&K via car. There is not a single untoward incident which I can lay my finger on. Yet there was tension in the air- like an untold foreboding cautioning us to be careful. Kashmir is beautiful and rich in all aspects- art , craft, culture, beauty of the people and the landscape and deserves a far better fate than it has got. I have traveled extensively across India and this has undoubtedly been the most beautiful and mesmerizing of all ....It has left an indelible mark on me and I will definitely revisit, Till then will take you through a pictorial journey ...

Beautiful Dal lake

Houseboat afloat on the Dal lake- stationary

View from the deck of my houseboat

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Thats me in front of my houseboat 
Hari Parbat visible from my houseboat

I am researching places to see

That our ferry man- took s all around

Boat ride on the Dal lake

Chashme Shahi

Chahsme shahi

Shalimar Bagh

Pari Mahal

Nishat Bagh

Sunset at the Dal lake

Dining area inside my houseboat

Following are some sunset shots at the Dal lake..

That time I did not own a DSLR, but we had a cycling enthusiast from Switzerland aboard our boat through whose camera the sunset shots were captured. He was on a cycling mission all over the world and worked for the Red cross.

Following are the shots from the Gondola ride :

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