Travelling addicts musings

Travelling addicts musings

Sunday 26 November 2017

Jog falls - India's second highest waterfalls

Jog falls was on my bucket list for a while.

Time to action the list :)

A beautiful 400 km ride from Bangalore brings you to Jog falls.

These waterfalls are the second highest waterfall in India after the Nohkalikai Falls in Meghalaya.

Clicked a few pictures to capture the beauty of the area while driving towards the falls which fall in the Shimoga district of Karnataka

The sign post welcomes us to World famous Jog Falls !!

Wiki reference..

The Sharavati, flowing over a very rocky bed about 250 yards (230 m) wide, here reaches a tremendous chasm, 290 m (960 ft) deep, and the water comes down in four distinct falls. The Raja Fall pours in one unbroken column sheer to the depth of 830 ft (250 m). Halfway down it is encountered by the Roarer, another fall, which precipitates itself into a vast cup and then rushes violently downwards at an angle of forty-five degrees to meet the Raja. A third fall, the Rocket, shoots downwards in a series of jets; while the fourth, the Rani, moves quietly over the mountain side in a sheet of foam.

Jog Falls is created by the Sharavathi River

I like the fact that the falls exist in a compounded area. Makes it more organized and there is a hotel which is strategically placed at a vantage point.

Highly recommend this hotel. Do book online beforehand.

Our room with a view = of Jog falls!!

I can see the falls from the window of my room

The room was nicely done and was spacious. I can see Jog falls at all times. Looking outside the window at the falls, the varying light plays games and creates optical illusions next to none.

I am one happy person right now. We have tea in the nearby restaurant, all a part of the compound and freshen up.

Now was the time to take a stroll around the compounded area to check the area out and enjoy nature.
Soon the sun will go down engulfing the entire area into a shadow of darkness.

Alas !
I am surely enjoying the sun 

Beautiful promenade i must say

Soon the sun will set

Benches in the compound to catch a breath

My dear husband enjoys the stroll as well !!

The sun has finally set bringing all activities to a halt

One just enjoys the entire milieu in which the waterfall is set. Add to it the compounded area maintained by the tourism. It makes it a very organized stay and an excellent weekend getaway.

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